Ramblings. Musings. Strange Eatings.

On the Road Again: 2nd Half

Where’s Willy Nelson when you need him?

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I’m at point “C” on this map right now, sitting at a picnic bench as the sun sets over a butte and my camping neighbors tend to their horses. The wind has died down and the air hides a hint of coolness. I’ve totally lucked into perfect weather (75 degrees and sunny) and after an afternoon of mountain biking the Maah Daah Hey Trail, I’ve come to a conclusion: North Dakota has been holding out on me.

This place is incredibly beautiful.

A few days ago, while driving along ND-27, I came over a hill and descended into a small town on a river. Within minutes, the flat corn and soybean fields gave way to rolling hills, winding roads and acres of sunflowers.

I spent the night at Fort Ransom State Park and stood in a downpour, as a slow-moving thunderstorm drenched the campsite. Lightning flickered all night.

Last night I some shared rye with Noah and Amy, two down-to-earth professors from Minnesota and Wisconsin. When I pulled into the campsite, it was a relief to see their truck and trailer since I knew I would be mountain biking the trails by myself. We talked till late under a half moon and clear skies. We agreed that if I wasn’t back by nightfall, they’d send out the cavalry.

Tomorrow North Dakota comes to an end. I’m happy I took the northern route.

Jon, Beth and future boy Mool see me off

Jon, Beth and future boy Mool see me off

Don't let the straight roads fool you ...

Don’t let the straight roads fool you …

Take the scenic route

Take the scenic route

Evening MTB ride on the Maah Daah Hey

Evening MTB ride on the Maah Daah Hey

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